At the Summer Swing, from left, Nikki Elliott; Todd Cramer’s parents, Linda and Richard Cramer; and his husband, Ernie Hoskins. (Photo by Judson Hall.)
Summer Swing, a popular fundraiser for Positively Living and Choice Health Network, was held as usual this year, and the mood was still festive. But everyone paused for a few minutes to remember Knoxville business executive Todd Cramer, a tremendously popular community supporter who passed away in January at age 53.
“It is without a doubt that the contributions of Todd Cramer have touched everyone in this room in some way,” said Steve Jenkins, executive director of Positively Living and Choice Health Network. “For most of us, his work in the community will continue to touch and move us for years to come.”
Cramer was on the Positively Living board of directors on and off for 15 years. He was one of the founders of Knox Pride (the East Tennessee Equality Council) and was a driving force behind the annual Pride Parade. He was president and CEO of Johnstone Supply, a leading provider of HVAC equipment, supplies, and parts.
“He led without being loud,” Jenkins said. “He listened before he spoke. He embraced diverse opinions and was never shy about creating a platform for dialogue. He also had no problem telling you confidently when he thought you were wrong!”
Kim Lauth, Positively Living’s chief operating officer, also praised Cramer’s influence on the organization and the community. “Todd was a true force of nature,” she said. “If you knew Todd, you likely never met anyone else who lived quite as large.”
Cramer’s husband, Ernie Hoskins, and his parents, Richard and Linda Cramer, were present at the Mill & Mine event center for Summer Swing. They were surrounded throughout the evening by other guests telling them how much Todd Cramer meant to each of them.
Click here for an article about Cramer that ran in the News Sentinel shortly after his death. Click here to read his obituary. Keep reading for photos from the Summer Swing celebration.

Steve Jenkins, executive director of Positively Living and Choice Health Network, left, with Janie Fazenbaker, center, and Dawn Distler. Guests were encouraged to dress in black and white.

From left, Renee Repka, Lettie Flores, Kent and Kim Lauth.

Music was by the Old City Buskers.

From left, Mike McClamroch, Travis Harris, Mary Kathryn Kennard, Xavier Morales, and Nikki Elliott.

From left, Dusty Brock, Mark Hawkins, Janet Testerman, and Joey Creswell.

The passed appetizers were dainty and delicious.

But there was nothing dainty about the main buffet table! It was mostly meat!

From left, John Winemiller, R.J. Hinde, Michael Higdon, and Scott Bird.

From left, Jennifer Holder, Kim Henry, and Gay Lyons.

Lee Ann Rogers and Steve Drevik sponsored the entertainment.

Some art was up for auction. I thought this one was a little spooky.

This one, on the other hand, was joyful.

Alan and Rebecca Williams.

From left, Bobby Brown, Chris Vermeulen, and Chris McKenry.

Summer Swing always features a cigar lounge. This one was on the patio of the Mill & Mine.

Todd Richesin, left, and Bobby Brown.

Susan and Bill Morris with Rebecca Williams, right.

From left, Moody Altamimi, Christopher Deal, Sherry Jenkins, and Brandon Pratt.

Travis Harris and Nikki Elliott.

From left, Michael Fuller, Rich Wellons, and Matt Avalone.

Lee Ann Rogers, left, and Terri Swaggerty.

Kent Lauth, left, and Alan Carmichael.

From left, Kim Lauth, Nya House, and Jenie House.

From left, Jarrod Blue, John Law, and Joey Creswell.

From left, Bleu Copas, Chris Bowen, and Emily Herndon.

Anthony Wilson, left, and Tyler Janow.

Alan Carmichael, left, with Allie Clouse and Alex Owens.

It was a fun and touching Knoxville evening.

Todd Cramer in a photo published in the Blue Streak about a year ago.
Great party! I believe that photo of Todd was taken when he & Ernie were among the guests/one of the high bidders for the Downtown Progressive we auctioned off at Biscuits & Bubbly. This looks like it was taken on Bruce & Monique Anderson’s balcony.
Good memories of happy times.
Gay: You are exactly right about when that photo was taken! Here’s a link to a Blue Streak post about that party: https://bluestreak.moxleycarmichael.com/2023/09/08/a-progressive-dinner-for-history/