Category Archives: Theater

If you can make it here…CBT alums have!

When the Clarence Brown Theatre takes a group of Knoxvillians to New York City each year, Alan and I try to go. Of course, we enjoy the plays. Of course, we adore the restaurants. But I think what really makes … Continue reading

Filed under: Food, Theater | 11 Comments

Curtains Up: Clarence Brown Theatre director announces wildly diverse 2014-15 season

Over what he described as a “family breakfast,” Clarence Brown Theatre‘s artistic director, Cal MacLean, recently announced the eight plays that will make up the theater’s 2014-15 season. And what a diverse lineup it is for the theater’s 40th anniversary … Continue reading

Filed under: Events, Food, Knoxville, Theater | 7 Comments

Urban … Art … Theater … Knoxville delivers it all

Two top-notch — but very different — concerts and an excellent, thought-provoking play reinforced to Alan and me this past weekend what a great and diverse cultural city Knoxville has become. Hot country singer Keith Urban, winner of dozens of … Continue reading

Filed under: Downtown, Events, Knoxville, Music, Theater | 14 Comments

A “Sex and the City”/”Iron Chef America” weekend

. It was an Iron Chef weekend in New York City for us, thanks to a generous auction item donated by Scripps Networks at “Cork Savvy,” a wine-tasting event put on by the Urban League Young Professionals. The package included … Continue reading

Filed under: Events, Food, Media, Theater | 22 Comments

“A pretty darn good season”

That’s what Cal MacLean, artistic director of the Clarence Brown Theatre, told supporters to expect from the Theatre starting Sept. 5. And he brought the goods to prove it at the preview party held at the Southern Depot earlier this … Continue reading

Filed under: Downtown, Events, Knoxville, Theater | 8 Comments

Symphony opening events signal great season

The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra‘s 2012-2013 season has opened with a flurry of activity that bodes well for a dynamic and interesting year. This is the KSO’s 77th year and it’s also noteworthy because it is the 10th year of Maestro … Continue reading

Filed under: Events, Knoxville, Music, Theater | 4 Comments

Feuding editor and mayor bring down the house at 34th annual Front Page Follies show

Lord knows the 34th annual Front Page Follies show had plenty of raw material this year. The annual spoof of news makers produced and performed by the local chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists (and friends) is a series … Continue reading

Filed under: Events, Journalism, Knoxville, Media, Music, Public Relations, Theater | 13 Comments

Friends welcome Tom Cervone to his new post as executive director of Historic Tennessee Theatre

“I feel like I’ve jumped from AAA baseball into the major leagues,” said an ecstatic Tom Cervone Thursday night at a reception celebrating his new position as executive director of the Historic Tennessee Theatre. Cervone, the former managing director of … Continue reading

Filed under: Downtown, Events, Historic preservation, Knoxville, Theater | 2 Comments

Our New York City Easter: three great plays, four fabulous restaurants — and a sobering conclusion

Alan and I love New York City. So, on December 31st last year, when I suddenly realized my chance to redeem some airline points was going to expire within hours, I jumped on the phone and booked two round-trip tickets … Continue reading

Filed under: Theater, Uncategorized | 17 Comments

Akima loves “Lucy” and rakes in big bucks

Well, the ladies of Akima have done it again — with the help of a few male supporters. Their Cabaret 2012 fundraiser brought in over $100K — just in sponsorships alone. That doesn’t count the two nights of ticket sales … Continue reading

Filed under: Downtown, Events, Knoxville, Music, Theater | Leave a comment